Booked Play Sessions

The Centre provides an open play space in which families, professionals and groups can connect and play.

You can book an individual play session in one of our play spaces. This is a great options for families with an immuno-compromised member or families keeping their social bubble small. Up to 4 family units can come in for a booked play session.

All materials and toys will be sanitized after every visit. Like all Centre programs & offerings, there is no fee to come and play.

Families, groups and professionals are welcome to book a play session using the calendar below or by contacting the Centre at 306-244 2446 or emailing

Thank you!

Come play in Wildflower Room!

This is our original space featuring the play doctor’s office and store, ball run wall, pikler triangle, musical instruments, infant space, block station and more! You’ll also have access to the sensory and art area as well as the kitchen.

Come play in Sunbeam Room!

This is our new, larger play space. This space features the play kitchen set, ride-on car run, puppets, mini trampoline, mini- climber and more! You’ll also have access to the sensory and art area as well as the kitchen.

Come play in our outdoor space!

Our playground was recently renovated last year and it features new play items for children. This is a great place to develop their gross motor skills as we have a sand pit, kitchen set, and mud pit!